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Can A Naturopathic Doctor Help With Cancer Treatment?

Can A Naturopathic Doctor Help With A Cancer Treatment? | Mindful Healing | Mississauge Naturopathic Doctor

Although there have been anecdotal stories for years about folks who ‘beat cancer’ with laugh therapy, taking vitamin cocktails, or changing their diet, the disappointing truth is that there is no evidence that anything but conventional medical treatments are effective at treating cancer.

That’s not to say that a naturopathic doctor has no role for you in your battle with cancer.

We can help you manage some of the symptoms of the disease or the side effects of the treatments.

Many people choose to have naturopathic cancer support when they’re going through treatment and recovery, in order to maintain the best quality of life possible in the face of a tough journey.

Can Naturopathic Medicine Treat Cancer?

Many complementary treatments are available for a patient suffering from cancer, but not enough studies have been done to establish that it can effectively treat the disease itself, so the short answer is no.

However, because of the wide arsenal of treatments a naturopathic doctor has at their disposal, many patients who seek naturopathic support during their battle with cancer are able to tolerate their chemo or radiation therapy better, and with reduced side-effects.

For example, having a nutrition plan can help sustain the body and keep it strong, with the goal of better pain endurance and quicker recuperation.

A Naturopathic Doctor’s Focus: Cancer Support

One of the reasons my work is so meaningful for me is because I am able to provide support to clients who are going through this life-changing illness – especially since cancer patients can get lost in the shuffle between hospitals and specialist appointments.

It’s challenging and frightening for clients who have never had an experience with cancer before, so having a naturopathic doctor to discuss your overall treatment plan with can be the difference between coping well or experiencing even more stress than normal, which only lowers your body’s ability to fight the disease.

How Can Naturopathic Medicine Help?

While naturopathic medicine can’t cure cancer, it can help with many of the trials that accompany the disease.

Here are a few of them.

Naturopathic treatment for cancer? | Mindful Healing | Mississauge Naturopathic Doctor

1. Reducing Side Effects Of Chemotherapy

Side effects of chemical and radioactive cancer treatments are renowned for being truly terrible because of how taxing they are on the body.

Chemotherapy frequently causes nausea and diarrhea, but may also cause nerve damage and cognitive impairment.

While these have a negative impact on your quality of life between treatments and can linger, there are ways to reduce their impact through the use of ginger, fish oil, glutamine and acetyl-L-carnitine.

2. Improving Quality Of Life

Improving your quality of life during your fight against cancer is an important tool in the fight itself; by keeping yourself as well as possible – physically, emotionally and mentally – you ensure your best possible outcome while your oncologist does their work.

In fact, even the Canadian Cancer Society recommends finding a well-trained naturopathic doctor to help with complimentary therapies.

Every person’s case is different, but some of the methods I might recommend include massage, acupuncture, special diets and nutritional supplements.

3. Support During Remission

Once you’re in remission, it’s a good time for us to have a look at your lifestyle and habits using a holistic lens.

For instance, discovering opportunities to keep you in optimum health so cancer has less of a chance of recurring.

With my experience in supporting cancer patients, and with my many years of training and research, I am able to recommend ways to make your body a less inviting environment for cancer cells to reproduce and take hold.

Contact The Mindful Healing Clinic

Whether you have just received your diagnosis, are in the middle of treatment or your cancer has gone into remission and you’re hoping to keep it that way, I can help provide the support you need.

Call the Mindful Healing Clinic now and ask for me, Dr. Maria Cavallazzi, and I’ll be happy to consult with you on what your options are.

You’ve taken the first step by looking into alternate therapies, and that brought you to my website – just give us a call and we’ll begin putting together a treatment plan that’s designed specifically for you and your unique needs.

Until next time,

Dr. Maria Cavallazzi, N.D
Mindful Healing Naturopathic Clinic
Mississauga, ON L5M 1L7
(905) 819-8200

Dr. Maria Cavallazzi is a medical doctor from Colombia where she practiced as a family physician for 8 years until she moved to Canada 16 years ago and became a naturopathic doctor in Mississauga.